8 SMS Templates to nurture and reactivate peer-to-peer fundraisers
As a not-for-profit, some of your biggest supporters are your peer-to-peer fundraisers. Being one of your most influential advocates for your charitable cause, they deserve special treatment.
Send them thoughtful messages and guidance, and they’ll feel supported and stay loyal and motivated. Having a meaningful conversation is natural with text messaging—ask them questions, and they can respond with an SMS reply.
To give you some inspiration and ideas, check out these SMS templates we curated from industry experts below.
Nurture campaigns
Whether they’re a new or returning fundraiser, a personalised introduction and having multiple touchpoints are essential to keep things going. Help them feel like they’re part of a remarkable journey with SMS tips and updates along the way.
Fundraising Campaign reminders
Remind your supporters to participate in your peer-to-peer fundraising events. All it can take is a gentle reminder and a short conversation to get them started again.
Introductory message
Most fundraisers do this once per year, and they may forget how it all works. Send them a kick-off message to let them know that you have their back.
Coaching message
Some fundraisers need a little more encouragement and help to keep the momentum up. People connect with people, so use a personal approach, like a video.
Note: Try sending this as an MMS campaign with the video thumbnail as an image. It may help build intrigue.
Milestone message
Fundraising campaigns are all about momentum. Send your supporters status reports and thank you messages to keep them motivated.
Reactivation campaigns
People are busy, and your campaign may not always be on top of mind. Send them a text message to encourage them to reactivate their fundraising profiles.
Reminder message
Donation message
You can also encourage them to donate to the cause if they can’t advocate for you this year.
You can also ask them to spread the message to attract their friends and family to become a fundraiser or donor.
Contact update message
Their contact information, including their physical address, may change over time. Send them messages to get things going:
Need more?
We have more resourceful SMS tips, guides, and strategies for not-for-profits.
- 10 SMS Templates to help you collect donations
- [Case Study] Here’s how $30,000 was raised in 30mins
- [Case Study] How AI-Powered SMS conversations lifted donations by 58%
- 4 Steps to increase digital donations during the holiday season
- SMS Templates: 10 ways to say thanks